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Showing posts from September, 2014

Touch Screens and Language Development

New research came out in May on the effects of toddlers using touch screens and its effects on language development. New Study Finds Touch Screens Linked to Slower Language Development An article on tech executives' parenting choices around technology: Steve Jobs Was a Low Tech Parent Here is a nice summary on Nurture Shock's chapter on Language Development.  This includes very practical tips on encouraging your child's speech.  Although it is missing the most important tip:  respond to your children with loving touches. Talking Toddlers:  Seven Tips to Help Develop Language Skills By Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman Consider This What is your view of technology and parenting? What "tip" will you try this week with your child to help their language development? How Children Succeed Discussion This week we will discuss the second half of Chapter 1 from Paul Tough's book How Children Succeed at 9:40 in the morning classes (on Thursday, 9/2...

Good Enough Parenting, Language Development and How Children Succeed Reading

It's impossible to the perfect, especially as a parent.  Donald Winnicott coined the term "Good Enough Mother."  Being good enough should be perfect for your child. In Search of the Good Enough Mother A well timed loving caress promotes language development.  Responding to your child's babbling with a touch or caress is a way to "Serve and Return."  Po Bronson's and Ashley Merryman's book,  Nurture Shock , has an incredible chapter on Language Development called "Why Hannah Talks and Alyssa Doesn't".  This is not to be missed, see the hand out in class. Consider This "Good enough" parenting, how do you feel about it? What practical steps will you take to help develop your child's language? How Children Succeed  Discussion This week we will be discussing Chapter 1(Sections 1 through 8).  In class on Thursday 9/18, and Monday 9/22.  And here in the comment section below.

What makes a good parent? And our book club discussion on How Children Succeed

We're looking at Scientific America's idea on What Makes a Good Parent.  They refer to the ten competencies and essential parenting skills. What Makes A Good Parent Scientific American NEW!  Book Club This semester we will be reading the book by Paul Tough:   How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character .  Please pick up a copy of this book at the library (there are ebooks and audios there as well), at your local bookstore or online.  We will discuss the book in class at 9:40 in the morning class and 12:40 in the afternoon class.  There will also be an online discussion here in the comment section. This week we are reading the introduction, and we'll begin on 9/11 and 9/15 in class. Here is an excerpt of the introduction (unfortunately, it is missing the last two pages) Consider This: Which parenting competencies and essential parenting skills surprised you?  Which ones do you excel in?  What are your areas...