Welcome to those that are new to the class, and welcome back to everyone else! You may be familiar with Ages and Stages of your child or seen this handout before, but check it out again. Your child is growing, so s/he could be at a different stage now compared to when you last looked. Here are resources with a quick overview on your child's development, common issues and what you can do at this stage. Zero to Three Age Based Handouts (0-36 months) Three to Four Year Olds Four to Five Year Olds Consider This: Did anything surprise you about your child's development? Is there any suggestions on the list you want to try? Book Discussion This semester we will be reading Bringing Up Beb é, by Pamela Druckerman . We will not look at this as a How-To book, but use it a starting point to reflect on our own parenting ideas and practices that we will discuss in class. The public library has many copies, as well as electronic versions. Please ...