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Showing posts from February, 2019

Why Parents Need to Spend Alone Time Together

A date night is possible, despite the exhaustion and stress.  Parents who can make this happen " have better communication and fewer conflicts ."  This is helpful in raising children together.  Why not try it? The Elusive Parent Date Night:  Why You Need It and How To Make it Happen You can have a date night at no cost.  Have you heard of the SAHDN?  Stay At Home Date Night. Try This At Home: 8 Date Night Ideas For Exhausted Parents EXTRAS You shouldn't talk about your kids on your dates, this is time for you to learn more about each other, and grow in your love.  This book helps build communication skills and gives you discussion prompts.  My husband and I are using it, and are enjoying it. Eight Dates:  Essential Conversations for a Lifetime of Love Crazy timing!  I don't recall this topic ever coming up, but these two articles popped up on my feed today. (Coincidence, or google spying?) This Type Of Date Night Activity Can Make You Feel Closer To Your

Loving Touches and Then Some

A parents' loving touch can altar their brain , and promote overall health for children .  It's true when we touch our partners as well.  Here's a challenge/s for the week: Start with this:   Six Second Kiss   It's only SIX SECONDS. Then move on to this:  Five Simple Sex Tips for Parents   Try it.  You might like it.  It's good for you.  And good for your relationship with your partner, and your children benefit from more happiness in the home. EXTRAS The Gottman Institute sends out a  one minute read  every few days to help you work on your relationship.  It is worth taking the 60 seconds to think about your romantic commitment to your partner.  It's a great conversation starter to get you into a romantic mood, so ask your partner to subscribe too. Marriage Minute Do you need support through the physical challenges of motherhood?  Greta, one of my students who has done mini-body clinics in class, can help!  She's an expert body worker, pilates i

A Happy and Healthy Relationship

Good romantic relationships leads to overall good health, less stress, sense of purpose and a longer life .  And as was mentioned last week, g ood partners make good parents .  If you don't have the motivation to work on your relationship for your sake, or your partner's, make it better for the benefit of your child.  Below is an article with three tips for a good relationship.  Choose just one to work on this week. Three Research Based Tips for a Happy and Healthy Relationship EXTRAS The Gottman Institute sends out a  one minute read  every few days to help you work on your relationship.  It is worth taking the 60 seconds to think about your romantic commitment to your partner.  It's a great conversation starter to get you into a romantic mood, so ask your partner to subscribe too. Marriage Minute Do you need support through the physical challenges of motherhood?  Greta, one of my students who has done mini-body clinics in class, can help!  She's an expert body

How to Praise Your Children, and Your Partner

So now we know we're not supposed to over praise, so what are we supposed to say instead? Here are some suggestions... What Every Parent Needs to Know About Praise What to Say Instead of Praising This is the   Valentine  Month, so we'll do a little bit to think about our partners because g ood partners make good parents .  A healthy relationship reduces stress in the home.  Stress adversely effects children, therefore, it's worth trying to keep a healthy relationship with your partner for the sake of your children (and everyone else will benefit too).   John Gottman , world renowned researcher on marriage stability and lasting relationships expert, has helpful tools to enhance love in partnerships. This week, let's start by praising and affirming your partner.  Here's a list of 60 positive characteristics you can use to verbally appreciate your partner in this Valentine Season. Positive Adjective Check List ,  Gottman Institute EXTRAS The Gottman Institut

Too Much Praise is Possible

Think twice when you praise your child.  Overpraising can affect their effort, ability, the way they view themselves and more. How Not to Talk to Your Kids New York Magazine CONSIDER THIS Were you told you were smart?  How did that affect you? How will you adjust the way you praise your child? BOOK DISCUSSION  This semester's book is  No Drama Discispline, but Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson .    Please pick up a copy (the  library  has  many copies of the book in E nglish  and  Spanish , ebook and audio, and can easily be found in your local bookstore or online).  Beginning this week of February 2, we will discuss the Introduction. Discussion will begin at 9:30 am in the morning classes, and 12:45 in the afternoon classes.