It's that time of the year to think of our partners, and not just our children. Did you know good partners make good parents?
Good Partners Make Good Parents
Let's work on our love relationship this week.
Reclaiming Your Relationship
Five Simple Sex Tips for Parents
My husband and I enjoyed reading together John Gottman's book, Seven Principals for Making a Marriage Work. Here's a quick summary of Gottman's ideas.
How to Keep Love Going Strong: 7 Principals on the Road to Happily Ever After
Consider This:
How can you work on your relationship with your partner this week?
Good Partners Make Good Parents
Let's work on our love relationship this week.
Reclaiming Your Relationship
Five Simple Sex Tips for Parents
My husband and I enjoyed reading together John Gottman's book, Seven Principals for Making a Marriage Work. Here's a quick summary of Gottman's ideas.
How to Keep Love Going Strong: 7 Principals on the Road to Happily Ever After
Consider This:
How can you work on your relationship with your partner this week?