It is sometimes difficult to watch our children just play, because they occasionally choose danger. Sometimes we just have to let them take healthy risks, despite how hard it is for us parents to watch. The Atlantic Monthly came out with this article this last spring...
The Overprotected Kid
Consider This:
Do you tend to be an overprotecter?
Were you overprotected?
Why or why not would you take your child to this type of playground?
There will be no class on Monday, November 10 due to the Veteran's Day Holiday Observed. There will be classes the rest of the week.
The Overprotected Kid
Consider This:
Do you tend to be an overprotecter?
Were you overprotected?
Why or why not would you take your child to this type of playground?
There will be no class on Monday, November 10 due to the Veteran's Day Holiday Observed. There will be classes the rest of the week.