The article "What Makes a Good Parent? A scientific analysis ranks the 10 most effective child-rearing practices. Surprisingly, some don't even involve the kids" by Robert Epstein ranks Love and Affection as the most important competency that predict good parenting outcomes. The next two do not involve your child: Stress Management and Relationship Skills. This month in class, we will focus on these two competencies because our children experience second hand emotions that come from us. We should try to make sure those emotions are warm and loving, so let's start by checking in with ourselves and our partners.
How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Parents
Stress, Parenting and Relationships: Why They're Connected and What We Can Do About That Link
Relationship Intimacy: How Can Parents Get Some?
What Makes A Good Parent?
A follow up on Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman's chapter on language development:
Talking Toddlers: Seven Tips to Help Develop Language Skills
Come join me and your fellow classmate, Eliza, on March 1st at the Asian Art Museum for a free family event.
More on working with your adult relationships: Last year's Valentine post.
Good Partners Make Good Parents
Reclaiming Your Relationship
Five Simple Sex Tips for Parents
My husband and I enjoyed reading together John Gottman's book, Seven Principals for Making a Marriage Work. Here's a quick summary of Gottman's ideas.
How to Keep Love Going Strong: 7 Principals on the Road to Happily Ever After
How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Parents
Stress, Parenting and Relationships: Why They're Connected and What We Can Do About That Link
Relationship Intimacy: How Can Parents Get Some?
What Makes A Good Parent?
A follow up on Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman's chapter on language development:
Talking Toddlers: Seven Tips to Help Develop Language Skills
Consider This:
How will you try to care for yourself and your co-parent this month?
What do you need to work on to be a "Good Parent?"
BOOK CLUBWhat do you need to work on to be a "Good Parent?"
This semester's book is Dan Siegel's and Mary Hartell's Parenting from the Inside Out. We will have our fist discussion of Chapter 1 on Monday, February 23 and Thursday, February 26.
NO CLASSES MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15 AND THURSDAY FEBRUARY 18 due to President's Day Holiday and Lunar New Year.
Come join me and your fellow classmate, Eliza, on March 1st at the Asian Art Museum for a free family event.
More on working with your adult relationships: Last year's Valentine post.
Good Partners Make Good Parents
Reclaiming Your Relationship
Five Simple Sex Tips for Parents
My husband and I enjoyed reading together John Gottman's book, Seven Principals for Making a Marriage Work. Here's a quick summary of Gottman's ideas.
How to Keep Love Going Strong: 7 Principals on the Road to Happily Ever After