The new documentary, The Beginning of Life, explores the impact of a child's early environment on their cognitive, social and emotional development. Understanding these developmental needs help us care for our children better. The Atlantic Monthly's article on the movie below covers the basics nicely.
The Complex Lives of Babies
It's impossible to be perfect, especially as a parent. Donald Winnicott coined the term "Good Enough" Parent. Being good enough should be enough for both you and your child.
The Case for 'Good Enough' Parenting
In class, we will be taking time to do Quiet Observation of our children. Quietly watching our children in action is an ideal way to learn about child development. The principals used in class are taken from Magda Gerber's ideas of the RIE Approach. Pick up the article in class that explains this. Also, here is one mom's experience with it:
In Search of the Good Enough Mother
The Complex Lives of Babies
It's impossible to be perfect, especially as a parent. Donald Winnicott coined the term "Good Enough" Parent. Being good enough should be enough for both you and your child.
The Case for 'Good Enough' Parenting
This semester we will be reading The Whole Brain Child: Revolutionary Strategies To Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind by Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson. We will discuss the Introduction: Survive and Thrive, next week (beginning February 6), and Chapter 1 the following week.
Read the Introduction on-line here:
This semester we will be reading The Whole Brain Child: Revolutionary Strategies To Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind by Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson. We will discuss the Introduction: Survive and Thrive, next week (beginning February 6), and Chapter 1 the following week.
Read the Introduction on-line here:
The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary ... - DIY STORE チロル
In class, we will be taking time to do Quiet Observation of our children. Quietly watching our children in action is an ideal way to learn about child development. The principals used in class are taken from Magda Gerber's ideas of the RIE Approach. Pick up the article in class that explains this. Also, here is one mom's experience with it:
In Search of the Good Enough Mother