Rituals Defined: A family ritual is a set of behaviors that is repeated and that is symbolically meaningful. Family rituals provide families with a sense of identity and belonging. Family rituals also provide a sense of continuity across generations. In other words, they are a way of transmitting family values, history and culture from one generation to the next.
What rituals do you or will you practice that reflect your family values?What rituals did your parents have that you would like to incorporate into your family, and what new rituals do you want to begin?
This article can help you process and create rituals.
You Are What You Celebrate: Ritual and Identity
Examples of Rituals you can use in your family:
60+ Family Traditions You Can Practice
Extra Article: Creating Family Traditions
Creating a FamilyVision and Mission: A Couples Workshop
Sorry, this class is FULL
Taught by Nancy
When: Thursday, April 12, 7-9 pmWhere: More Mojo Studios, 1347 Church Street, SFCost: $50/Couple
Sign Up: email nancyggnass@gmail.com
This parenting class is designed for couples to guide them to dream, hope, share and write their family mission and vision, to create the framework for their parenting and family. As a Parenting Educator, I hear from many students their wish to be able to have time with their partner to process their desired family culture and figure out their core values. This is the time. In this workshop, we will brainstorm in a large group setting to get ideas flowing, then we will break up into couples, to work on our own and build the guiding principles for your family. Think of it as a productive date night, a time to enjoy without children, enjoy each other and establish your family identity and culture. Join us!
Sorry, no childcare is provided.
This semester we will be reading the classic parenting book, How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk, by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. This week of April 2, we will discuss Chapter 5, Praise (it's chapter 4 in the Little Kids book). Of course, reading the chapter is the best way to internalize the book, but if you run out of time, here is a summary.
Libro en línea gratis en español: Cómo Hablar para que los Niños Escuchen y Cómo Escuchar para que los Niños Hablen
Resumen del Libro