Welcome to those that are new, and welcome back to everyone else!
**Announcing: Creating a Family Vision and Mission-- Couples Parenting Workshop Dates Read More
Here are resources with a quick overview on your child's development, common issues and what you can do at this stage. The more you understand about your child, the more empathy you will have for them and your parenting.
Zero to Three Age Based Handouts (0-36 months)
Three to Four Year Olds
Four to Five Year Olds
Elementary through Adolescent Ages
Consider This:
Did anything surprise you about your child's development?
Is there any suggestions on the list you want to try?
In class, we will be taking time to do Quiet Observation of our children. Quietly watching our children in action is an ideal way to learn about child development. The principals used in class are taken from Magda Gerber's ideas of the RIE Approach. Pick up the article in class that explains this. Also, here is one RIE Expert's perspective of it:
Babies and the Art of Observation
Class Resources
Here are the lyrics to some of our favorite songs.
**Announcing: Creating a Family Vision and Mission-- Couples Parenting Workshop Dates Read More
Here are resources with a quick overview on your child's development, common issues and what you can do at this stage. The more you understand about your child, the more empathy you will have for them and your parenting.
Zero to Three Age Based Handouts (0-36 months)
Three to Four Year Olds
Four to Five Year Olds
Elementary through Adolescent Ages
Consider This:
Did anything surprise you about your child's development?
Is there any suggestions on the list you want to try?
In class, we will be taking time to do Quiet Observation of our children. Quietly watching our children in action is an ideal way to learn about child development. The principals used in class are taken from Magda Gerber's ideas of the RIE Approach. Pick up the article in class that explains this. Also, here is one RIE Expert's perspective of it:
Babies and the Art of Observation
Class Resources
Here are the lyrics to some of our favorite songs.