A newborn baby can detect patterns in language, and at four months old, babies can distinguish one language from another. The key to helping this development along is physical and emotional bonds-- love.
The First Year: A baby's brain needs love to develop.
National Geographic Magazine
Children can still develop these bonds of love, aka attachment, even in their adolescence. Here is a moving report/story on NPR's This American Life about the benefits of loving your children. The recording is well worth the time.
This American Life: Unconditional Love (Recording)
This American Life: Unconditional Love (Transcript)
Book Discussion
This semester's book is Dan Siegel's and Mary Hartzell's: Parenting From The Inside Out. Either edition of the book is ok. We will discuss the Introduction and Chapter 1 in class this week of September 11. Here's a link to the discussion questions.
The First Year: A baby's brain needs love to develop.
National Geographic Magazine
Children can still develop these bonds of love, aka attachment, even in their adolescence. Here is a moving report/story on NPR's This American Life about the benefits of loving your children. The recording is well worth the time.
This American Life: Unconditional Love (Recording)
This American Life: Unconditional Love (Transcript)
Book Discussion
This semester's book is Dan Siegel's and Mary Hartzell's: Parenting From The Inside Out. Either edition of the book is ok. We will discuss the Introduction and Chapter 1 in class this week of September 11. Here's a link to the discussion questions.