Although this article pertains to married couples, this ratio and principle is true for any kind of relationship: parent-child, adult child-aging parent, boss-worker... Five positive interactions to one negative to make relationships strong and builds trust.
The Magic Relationship Ratio, According To Science
These positive interactions are The Easiest Way To Improve Your Relationship: Bids.
Spend 60 seconds every few days to improve your marriage. My partner and I have found this resource helpful and fun.
Marriage Minute
The following week of February 24, we will discuss Part 2: Fostering Connection of Peaceful Parents, Happy Kids by Laura Markham. We will be using this discussion guide (first link on top) to guide our discussion. Please use this as a worksheet as you read.
There will be no class this Monday, February 17, for President's Day Holiday.
The Magic Relationship Ratio, According To Science
These positive interactions are The Easiest Way To Improve Your Relationship: Bids.
Spend 60 seconds every few days to improve your marriage. My partner and I have found this resource helpful and fun.
Marriage Minute
The following week of February 24, we will discuss Part 2: Fostering Connection of Peaceful Parents, Happy Kids by Laura Markham. We will be using this discussion guide (first link on top) to guide our discussion. Please use this as a worksheet as you read.
There will be no class this Monday, February 17, for President's Day Holiday.