The ideas of Fixed and Growth Mindsets seem very logical, but newly researched. This revolutionary idea came from the Stanford Psychologist Researcher Carol Dweck, who has focused on motivation, personality and development. A Growth Mindset can change our life, and those around us, for the better.
Fixed vs. Growth: The Two Basic Mindsets That Shape Our Lives . (legible graphic)
Carol Dweck Revisits the 'Growth Mindset'
Beginning at a young age, allowing your child to be a helper, by choice, not coercion, makes kids more generous.
Thinking about play and creativity through toy design, I found this 45 minute Netflix documentary fascinating-- Abstract: Cas Holman, Season 2 Episode 4. I love her toy company's motto: Easy is Boring. She touches on all the principals of play that we've discussed in class. (Thanks, Kat, for the recommendation.)
As you're looking at Halloween Candy, consider those without food dyes for your kids. Check out some of the information regarding the effects of food dyes on children.
Fixed vs. Growth: The Two Basic Mindsets That Shape Our Lives . (legible graphic)
Carol Dweck Revisits the 'Growth Mindset'
Beginning at a young age, allowing your child to be a helper, by choice, not coercion, makes kids more generous.
Consider This:
Do you have a Growth or Fixed Mindset about your child, yourself, or others (partner, coworkers, siblings...)?
This week of October 28, we will discuss one chapter, Chapter 16, from the book, How To Raise An Adult by Julie Lythcott-Haims.
Our Halloween Costume/Potluck Party will be this week of Monday -10/28, Halloween Week. Put on those adorable costumes and bring healthy food to share.
EXTRASDo you have a Growth or Fixed Mindset about your child, yourself, or others (partner, coworkers, siblings...)?
This week of October 28, we will discuss one chapter, Chapter 16, from the book, How To Raise An Adult by Julie Lythcott-Haims.
Our Halloween Costume/Potluck Party will be this week of Monday -10/28, Halloween Week. Put on those adorable costumes and bring healthy food to share.
Thinking about play and creativity through toy design, I found this 45 minute Netflix documentary fascinating-- Abstract: Cas Holman, Season 2 Episode 4. I love her toy company's motto: Easy is Boring. She touches on all the principals of play that we've discussed in class. (Thanks, Kat, for the recommendation.)
As you're looking at Halloween Candy, consider those without food dyes for your kids. Check out some of the information regarding the effects of food dyes on children.